The Road is about exploring memory through iconography. The work I am presenting are collection of people I have met, stories I have been told, and a few stories of my own. None of the people you see here are of real people and any resemblance is pure coincidence. The theme of the show comes from a spiritual concept that our lives are journeys, and we all walk that road alone. Sometimes we are traveling with family, friends, lovers. Sometimes we think we can see our path planned out miles ahead only to have to change course. Sometimes people we have been caravanning with have to go their separate ways, while others unexpectedly join us. The people we meet can be wonderful or terrible, and where our road ends is hard to tell. These works I present to you is a metaphorical sample of what I’ve seen on my journey, and what it all might mean I leave up to the interpretation of the viewer.
To view the show online or to arrange a private viewing, visit
700 Studio Nights
Second Saturday
every month
5-8 PM
700 Bryden Rd.
Studio 320
Visit Sara
& other artists studios on the 3rd floor
for handicap accessibility
enter through the back door
© 2024 s.e.aDRIAN FINE ART